
Writing has been my therapy my whole life.
Happy, sad, angry, depressed, in love, in awe, inspired - doesn't really matter what my emotion, writing has helped me through. With my words I have created a life I have dreamed of. I have written my dreams, I have built an imaginary world, I have cried real tears. I am yearning for this therapy right now.. I am yearning for inspiration.
I feel dragged down, I feel like I am letting them win. All of those people who didn't think I could do it. Those same people who want me to fail, who think I'm too young, who don't believe I deserve all I've gotten. The negativity is palpable and it is pulling me down. I'm not used to being down for so long, for life hitting me in the head continuously. But here we are, here I am.
There is really one choice now, to write myself back to health.
To remind myself what I am worth, I am worth a lot.
I am worth everything. Every penny. The rumours are true, I am one of the best.
I am bruised, I am battered, I am in tears.
But I believe I am the best. I believe I will continue to be successful.
I will work through these emotions and I will make it to the finish line. I will build the life I dream of.
I believe I will.