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Being A Creative

Creativity is a funny thing.

It strikes when you least expect it, and when you really really need it, it may not be ready for you.

See I feel like a clear mind is the most inspired. When a mind is at rest it is able to see things in a much clearer way than it would otherwise.

It's very much aligned to the Yogi principles.

Understanding when and where you are inspired are just as important as being inspired.

This is what allows true creatives to be able to come up with ideas quicker and easier than others.

My "happy place" is by the water. I'm not sure what it is about the water, but there is an essential sense of calm that goes through my mind. The winter is not easy for me, much like the rest of the population. But I know even a weekend near the water is enough for me to break out of whatever funk my brain is in.

As a writer I know when the words are a-flowing. I know when the ideas are coming clear. When my brain is far too cluttered to even think straight, I know I need a weekend away from the clutter in order to think clear.

I think the key to knowing how to move forward is understanding yourself.

And those who can figure it out, are more likely to succeed than those who ignore it.

I decided a long time ago to live life for myself and part of that meant accepting all forms of who I am. The idea that I needed to be creatively stimulated used to come from long angry entries in my journal, my only way to express myself. Through that anger, through that pain, I found a voice. I learned that I couldn't ignore the crazy voices in my head, because those voices lead to some of the most inspired work I had ever done. Using my emotion in a way that was compelling, impactful, beautiful.

And from there creativity became my saviour. It allowed me to be one with myself in a way that others probably wouldn't understand.

It is a blessing, and sometimes it can feel like a curse. But it is an essential part of who I am.

So I embrace it, and I learn how to cultivate it in a way that creates definition to my character.

I can only hope it continues to be the words behind the building blocks of my future.

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